Sunday, September 19, 2010

Been A while

Having numerous medical conditions takes a real toll of living. I feel as If I take one step foward and then two steps back. I really try to be positive but its so hard. I have been having problems with my stomach again....Everytime I eat I get real bad pain. Also, the incision from my sugury is infected again. I am just sooo tired of being in pain and in the doctors office all the time. I just want to know when enough will be enough.......I know im strong but its getting too hard.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

good days are possible

For the past few months I have been suffering from depression. This has developed due to the stress of being sick and losing my mother and grandmother to disease. For the past few months I had been in denial of my depression. Every day events became ti difficult for me to do, I was sleeping all the time and not eating enough to get daily nutrition. Well about two weeks ago I finally game to this realization that I did have a problem and what I have been feeling is not normal. I went tihe doctor and was placed on some medication. For the past few days I have begun to feel better. The medication is in addition to seeing a social worker each week. I have realized that feeling sad all the time in not normal. Even though I will have challenges I am now ready to take them head on. I also want to mention if it was not for a certain friend I might not have been in the same place today. I thank her for always being there for me and never giving up hope. For anyone that thinks that people choose to feel like this this this is so far frpm the truth. This is a terrible sickness that goes furthur than you can imagine. For anyone who might be giving up hope always remember that there is help. The only think that I do regret is that It took me so long to realize that I needed hope.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Living with a horrible syndrome

I am going to start blogging so that I am able to document how living with garderners syndrome as well as other medical problems have affected my life. Every day poses a struggle for me but I am a fighter and will keep on fighting. So this syndrome that I have causes people to get cancer especially in the GI tract. Knowing this in Dec of 2006 I had my colon removed. This has had long lasting affects on me both physically and mentally. In addition to colon being removed I have had numerous MRIs CT scans operations and bioposys. Along with this I have been in the emergency room 6 times. Although this syndrome has clamed the life of my mother and grandmother I continue to keep fighting. At times this seens hard but somehow I keep on going. I did not create this blog so that people can feel sorry for me I created it so that I can have something to look and and see how far I have come. If You have any questions about the syndrome please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to explain it in more detail.